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By students, for students.
(Only SRI Members will get approved for an account! To become a member, click here.)
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Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the FAQs on Becoming a Member.
What are the benefits of becoming a member?
You will have access to the volunteer database & be eligible to apply to the SRI Award, along with discounted entries to our events.
Where is the money going?
All proceeds go toward funding the SRI Award, which essentially goes back to the students. We are a non-profit organization.
If I become a member, am I guaranteed a position for the SRI Award?
No. Keep in mind that we’re a student run club and we’re only able to provide for a limited number of students for the SRI Award.
What is the Volunteer Database?
When you become a member, you will now be able to access our volunteer database, which lists all professors who are looking for a volunteer in their lab; a great stepping-stone to get research experience.
Will I have to pay the same amount of money to attend events as non-members?
No, you will be able to enter most of the events for free unless we are hosting a fundraiser.
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