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One of our main goals is to help undergraduates find more research positions. With our dedicated fundraising efforts during the year, we are able to sponsor a student research each year under the SRI Research Award during the summer. Students have the ability to work in a lab for a given amount of time in the summer (depending on the level of funding), while we sponsor the student from the funds we've raised. It’s a win-win situation- the student gains valuable research experience with support from our funds, while the supervisor doesn’t have to use their limited funding to support the student. 


Typically, the research position will last 1-4 months in the summer and we try our best to match the students with a lab of their choice. In 2016, the SRI Award will be a $700 award. The amount awarded may vary from year to year depending on how much we have fundraised. 


In order to be eligible for the award, you must be an undergraduate student currently registered at McGill University. You must also contact a supervisor affilliated with McGill to co-sgin your application. Other than that, we have no restrictions on what program or year you are currently in. We would also like to stress that you do not need research experience nor a perfect GPA in order to apply for the SRI Award. 


Our selection criteria is not based on grades or research experience like other awards. Because we're a club that is all about giving to the student community of McGill, similarly, our selection criteria will be based on how you have given back to the community as indicated on your personal statement. 


The deadline for the 2016 SRI Award award is set to March 11th, 2016 at 11:59PM.


The application package can be accessed here. You must sign in with your SRI membership account in order to access the page. Click here to become a member.


Check out our FAQ here for commonly-asked questions.

SRI Research Award 

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