Wednesday, February 24, 2021 @ 6 PM EST
Facebook Event:
Public Health
Public health is an inherently interdisciplinary area and includes people from backgrounds in life science, economics, ethics, statistics, and more. It is the intersection of many different fields, and therefore can look different across which specialization you wish to do. Generally, public health research is “dry-lab” (more data analysis), with the possibility of “wet-lab” projects in conjunction for specific fields (ex. Infectious disease). Public health positions outside of academia have a variety of different applications including the following: private industry, government, and research.
Entry-level positions typically need a Bachelor’s or Master’s (more often Master’s) level in a related field (epidemiology, public health, biostatistics, public health ethics, global health, etc.). Examples of institutes that fall under this category are INSPQ, CHEO research institute, PHAC.
For the purpose of this event, the interview will be conducted for an applicant who it at the undergraduate level.