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SRI Award

One of the main goals of the Student Research Initiative is to help students become involved in research

Each year, we sponsor a student researcher under the SRI Award over the summer, allowing the student to gain research experience while decreasing the financial burden on the supervisor

$1000 value


To be eligible for the award, you must be an undergraduate student currently registered at McGill University. After you find a research position, either in academia or in industry, your supervisor must sign your application. The award is open to all McGill undergraduate students interested in pursuing research in any field or department at any institution*.

Our selection criteria is not based on grades or research experience

Our award is not merit-based and strives to provide equal footing for all students who are interested in pursuing research. We recognize that a competitive GPA is not indicative of research capability, work-ethic, and/or dedication to discovery and academia. As such, the award will not take into consideration GPA and/or prior research experience. Students of all backgrounds and education levels are encouraged to apply.

More information

Please check our Facebook page and ListServ for more information on the 2021 SRI Award 

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